What is Everybody-All-At-Once About?
The world is teetering on a precipice. We’re in a moment of tremendous change and tremendous potential: for destruction and chaos, but also for great renewal and a shift in consciousness that could allow for the greatest possibilities of humankind.
EverybodyAllAtOnce.org is a place where we hope that change and renewal can ferment. We’re building a platform to tell stories and bring people together to catalyse positive change.
Our remit is broad: these pages feature articles, interviews, longform essays and short documentary videos, drawing on a diverse range of perspectives and cultures. We also explore more contemplative considerations of art and our esoteric traditions, of beauty, wonder and mystery for their own sake.
Our hope is a simple one: to build a community that helps to ferment the renewal and change the world so desperately needs.
At a deeper level, Everybody-All-At-Once is informed by the idea – or reality – that our true human identity is consciousness. The pieces on this site, in myriad ways, speak to a shared principle, beyond our individual make-ups, our social norms, our culture or politics.
The phrase “everybody-all-at-once” comes from Adi Da’s book Not-Two Is Peace, and this site pays tribute to the unifying wisdom of that book, which we’ll be exploring in various ways. EAAO has no religious affiliation and we advocate no religion, no politics, and no point-of-view in particular. Our editors all agree that religious provincialism, and provincialism of any kind, is one of the many things that prevents the true incarnation of everybody-all-at-once as a working principle. EAAO is not a social movement. It is a collaborative and relational space where we “leave our flags at the door.”
This can’t be a one-sided dialogue; that’s not how it works. We want you to communicate your own sense of this intuition, your own ideas of how it manifests in action and change.
With your help, we want to make Everybody-All-At-Once much more than just another website. We hope to create a community built on connection, shared experience and action — a catalysing, cooperative force that seeds real change.
If you’d like to contribute to EAAO, please get in touch at contribute@everybodyallatonce.org. We’re always looking for new stories – writing, art, video and more – and we pay our contributors.
We are a small volunteer team, and a registered charity in Australia, where most of our editorial staff are based. You can read our full manifesto here, and contact our team here. You can also follow us on Twitterand Facebook, if that’s your thing.
With respect and all good will, we welcome you.
Editors & Staff, Everybody-All-At-Once